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Sweet Bloom Elegance

(SKU - EG2i2616)

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A bouquet of pink roses dark pink carnations and white gerbera daisies would create a beautifully balanced and vibrant arrangement blending elegance with boldness and purity. The pink roses with their soft layered petals symbolize admiration grace and gentle affection adding a touch of romance and elegance to the bouquet. The dark pink carnations with their rich ruffled blooms bring depth and a sense of passion symbolizing love and fascination. The white gerbera daisies with their bright daisy-like petals offer a refreshing contrast symbolizing innocence purity and cheerfulness.

Product Details::
One side bunch of Mixed Flowers Bouquet.
One Side bunch of 4pcs Pink Roses 4pcs Dark Pink Carnation 4pcs White Gerbera with Green Fillers White Paper with Pink Ribbon bow.
Free Personalised Message Card.
₹1,299.00 Discount: 5%


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Delivery Information
1. The image displayed is indicative in nature. Actual product may vary in shape or design as per the availability.
2. Certain flowers may be delivered in fully bloomed, semi-bloomed or bud stage.
3. The chosen delivery time is an estimate and depends on the availability of the product and the destination to which you want the product to be delivered.
4. Since flowers are perishable in nature, we attempt delivery of your order only once. The delivery cannot be redirected to any other address until we can't confirm.
5. This product is hand delivered and will not be delivered along with courier products.
6. Occasionally, substitutions of flowers are necessary due to temporary and/or regional unavailability issues.


Care Instructions:
1. When you get flowers, trim the stems.
2. Cut 1-2 inches of the stems
3. Put flowers in a clean vase and pour water.
4. Don’t place flowers in direct sunlight or near any other source of excessive heat.

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